Saturday, January 5, 2008

QTP Questions - 15

1. How to write QTP test results to an Excel application

1. In addition to the creation of the excel object, you can use the ADO concept as well as the inbuit dataexport function of QTP.

1. ADO : In this , you have to create one DSN through ODBC for the Microsoft Excel *.xls driver. Using this define ADODB. Connection and Recordset for the required excel which you want to update. Then simply you can update any column using Recordset.Updte concept similar in VB

2. DataTable.ExportSheet "C:name.xls" ,1

2. I am Sending a sample example to this QS

1. SetExcelsheet=CreateObject(Excel.sheet)

2. Excelsheet.Visible=True

3. Excelsheet.Activesheet.Cells(1,1).Value=Variable

4. Excelsheet.Saveas"C:C.xls"

5. Set Excelsheet=Nothing

3. You can use Excel. Application object to create and open the excel file, write the desired text and save.

2. How do we test Links using Quick Test Professional and confirm that the page we are requesting is seen after clicking?

1. Click the link and put one check point on any one standard object in the page

if the link does not display the message then it will show an error ok

2. The links are tested using the property of 'href' and 'url' of that link. Here the link can be image or any. If the link is an image then the image has the properties as follows.Href or URL : check the hyperlinkAlt: Specifies the text of an imageSrc: Specifies image sourcefilename: specifies the name of the image file

3. what is meant by external files in QTP.

1. Vbs,Excel,dlls and any other files that for importing,Processing and Resulting can be treated as External files in QTP

.vbs files are called as external files.

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