Saturday, January 5, 2008


8 Considerations in developing Testing methodologies

Objective – provide framework for developing test tactics

  1. Acquire and study the test strategy
  2. Determine the type of development project
  3. Determine the type of Software system
  4. Determine the project scope
  5. Identify the tactical risks
  6. Determine when testing should occur
  7. Build the system test plan
  8. Build the Unit test plan

Testing Challenges (myths?)

  1. Testing is not essential for delivery
  2. Testing is often un-structured, ill-defined and hence subjective
  3. Testing is often not managed
  4. Testing itself is error-prone
  5. Testing is expensive
  6. You can not test quality into the software

Testing Participants

  1. Software customer
  2. Software user
  3. Software developer
  4. Software tester
  5. Information service management
  6. Service management
  7. Auditor

Misconceptions about testing

  1. Testing finds errors and hence appears place the blame for those errors on the development organization. This leads “Us versus Them” attitude among the groups
  2. Anyone can test and no particular set of skills are required
  3. Testers can test for quality at the end of development project

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